Lolane Pixxel Detoxifier Hair&Scalp Cream Bath Balancing Creambath
LOLANE Pixxel Detoxifier Hair & Scalp Balancing Cream Bath 475 g.
Detox Treatment Formula for balancing hair and scalp.
The product helps rejuvenate your hair and soothes your scalp that is weakened by chemical treatment. Restore hair shine and reduce the chemical odor. Multi Sensorial Detoxifying System and natural extracts.from Inga Alba barka and Piper Nigrum Beries which are rich in antioxidants. Citronella reduces the chemical odor of dyes, hair straighten perm and odors from pollution. Reenergize and nourish your hair. Royal Lotus and Mint scent give your hair last longer fresh smell.
Apply appropriated amount thoroughly onto your hair, leave the hair roots for 1 inch. Gently massage especially on hair’s ends, then steam your hair for 15 mins. Rinse off with clean water. The product can be used with hair spa treatment.
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